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Anastasia Wiese’s Corp! Commentary: Women Finding Work/Life Balance During Pandemic
February 11, 2021
Anastasia K. Wiese
Anastasia K. Wiese
Senior Financial Advisor

Corp! Magazine Talks to Anastasia Wiese About Pandemic-era Work/Life Balance for Women
How are women business owners and professionals who are also raising families achieving work/life balance during the pandemic?
Michigan’s Corp! Magazine recently took a closer look at the question, as new studies suggest women’s professional and financial futures are at higher risk during the pandemic. For example, Corp! cited a McKinsey & Company 2020 Women in the Workplace report, which found “Women are 1.3 times more likely than men to have considered stepping out of the workforce or slowing down their careers (in the past year).”
Who better to speak on the subject than our own Anastasia Wiese? As a wife, mother, financial advisor, and co-owner at Grand Wealth, Anastasia shared tips on how she and her family have “leaned into the vulnerability” to manage it.
It certainly hasn’t been easy for her and her husband, a law firm partner, to juggle their equally busy work schedules, while caring for two young children at home. Both were grateful they are in “supportive work environments that allowed for changes, shifts and new ideas when needed,” After trying various strategies, they found flexibility was key, for themselves and their clients. “Being OK with asking for help is really hard, but it’s really important,” Anastasia concludes. You can read the full article here.
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